Visa Eligibility Forms

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Welcome to our AI-Driven Visa Eligibility Assessment Forms page. Here, you can find advanced assessment tools powered by artificial intelligence to help you determine your eligibility for various Australian visas. Complete our AI-driven assessment forms to take the first step towards your Australian visa journey. Our intelligent system and dedicated team are here to assist you every step of the way.

Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)

The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) allows you to visit Australia for tourism, business purposes, or to see family and friends. Our AI-driven assessment form will help you understand the requirements and eligibility criteria for this visa, providing instant feedback and personalized guidance based on your responses to ensure you have all the necessary information and documentation to apply successfully.

Visitor Visa Eligibility Assessment

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Full Name

Travel History and Intentions

Have you previously visited Australia?
Have you booked any return travel?
Will you be visiting as part of a tour or a group?

Visa Stream Specific

Tourist Stream:
Key Points: Can be applied from inside or outside Australia. Usually allows stays of up to 3, 6, or 12 months.

Business Visitor Stream:
Key Points: Must be applied for from outside Australia. Allows short stays for business activities, but not for working or selling goods/services.

Sponsored Family Stream:
Key Points: Requires a sponsor who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident. The sponsor may be required to provide a bond. Usually allows stays of up to 12 months.

Approved Destination Status Stream:
Key Points: Must be part of a tour group. Must apply from outside Australia.

Frequent Traveller Stream:
Key Points: Must apply from outside Australia. Usually valid for up to 10 years, with a maximum stay of 3 months per visit.
Which stream of the subclass 600 visa are you applying for?

Financial Information

What is your annual income?
Do you have sufficient funds to support your stay in Australia?
Will anyone be financially supporting your visit to Australia? If so, please provide their details.

Accommodation and Stay Details

explain in detail such as staying in hostels, family or friends etc
Have you made any reservations for your accommodation?
Are you planning to stay with family or friends during your visit?
Will you engage in any studies or training for more than 3 months?

Health and Character

Do you have any medical condition that requires attention or might affect your stay?
Are you traveling with any dependents who have medical conditions?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in any country?

Employment and Activities in Australia

Will you be visiting as part of a tour or a group?
Do you intend to seek employment in Australia during your stay?
Are you planning to volunteer in Australia?

Previous Visas and Compliance

Have you ever been refused a visa to any country, including Australia?
Have you ever overstayed a visa in any country?
Are there any previous instances where you did not comply with visa conditions?

Risk Assessment

Are there any other circumstances that might affect the decision on your visa application?
Is there any adverse information that might impact your visa application?

Family Details

Do you have family in Australia?
Will any family members be accompanying you to Australia?

Previous and Concurrent Applications

Have you applied for any other visa in the last five years?
Are you holding any visa currently?

Consent and Declarations

Do you consent to the Department of Home Affairs checking your visa history and records?
Do you declare that all information provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge?

Specific Requirements

Are you aware of the conditions that you must not work unlawly in Australia?
Are you aware of the condition to not engage in studies or training for more than 3 months?

Documents and Evidence

Can you provide proof of financial means to support your visit to Australia?
Can you provide details of your health insurance for the duration of your stay?

Special Circumstances

Are there any urgent or compelling reasons for your travel to Australia?
Do you require any special arrangements or assistance upon arrival in Australia?

Confirmation and Follow-up

Do you agree to inform the Australian Department of Home Affairs of any changes to your circumstances while your visa application is being processed? Y

Student Visa (Subclass 500)

The Student Visa (Subclass 500) enables you to study full-time at an educational institution in Australia. By completing our AI-powered assessment form, you can evaluate your eligibility for this visa, understand the key requirements, and gather the essential documents needed for your application. Our intelligent system offers tailored advice to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Onshore Protection Visa 866

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Personal Information

Name & Surname
Have you held any other nationalities?
What is your marital status?
Do you have any children?
Do you have any identification documents
(e.g., passport, national ID)
Have you ever changed your name?
If yes, please provide details.
Do you have any medical conditions or disabilities?

Family Information (Wife and Children)

Name (What is your wife's full name)
What is your wife's Date of Birth
Have your wife and children held any other nationalities?
Is the current residential address of your wife and children, if different from yours?
Do your wife and children have any medical conditions or disabilities?
Have your wife and children undergone any medical examinations for their visa application?
If yes, please provide details.
Have your wife and children ever been involved in any legal proceedings or been convicted of a crime?
Are there any specific threats or risks faced by your wife and children in your home country?
Please provide details.
Have your wife and children faced any persecution or discrimination in your home country?
If yes, please provide specific incidents.
Are your wife and children members of any social, ethnic, or religious groups that are persecuted in your home country?
Have your wife and children faced any threats or violence from individuals or groups because of their membership in a particular social group?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that specifically target or disadvantage your wife and children’s social group?
Have your wife and children been denied employment, education, or other opportunities because of their membership in a particular social group?
Have your wife and children participated in any organizations or activities related to their social group?
If yes, have these affiliations caused them to face persecution?
Have your wife and children been subjected to profiling or discrimination by authorities because of their social group?
Have your wife and children received any direct threats or hate speech due to their membership in a particular social group?
Please provide details.
Do you believe your wife and children are at risk of harm if they return to your home country because of their membership in a particular social group?

Travel and Immigration History

Have you previously applied for a visa to Australia or any other country?
yes, please provide details.
Have you ever overstayed a visa in any country?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever been deported or removed from any country?
f yes, please provide details.
Have you ever applied for asylum or protection in any other country?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever been detained or imprisoned in any country?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you traveled to any other countries in the past five years?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you visited Australia before your current stay?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever traveled under a different passport or identity?
If yes, please provide details.

Legal Information

Have you ever been convicted of a crime in any country?
If yes, please provide details.
Are there any pending criminal charges against you in any country?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever been involved in any activities that could be considered a threat to national security?
Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit or legal dispute?
If yes, please provide details.
Do you have any outstanding warrants or subpoenas?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever been a member of any banned or restricted organizations?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you ever been subject to an investigation by any government agency?
If yes, please provide details.

Reasons for Seeking Protection

Have you faced harm or threats due to your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group?
Do you have any evidence to support your claims of persecution or threats?
Have you reported any incidents of persecution to the authorities in your home country?
If yes, what was their response?
Are there any ongoing threats or risks if you return to your home country?
Do you fear harm from any specific individuals or groups in your home country?


Have you or your family members experienced discrimination or persecution because of your ethnicity?
Please provide specific incidents.
Have you faced any threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your ethnicity?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that specifically target or disadvantage your ethnic group?
Have you been denied employment, education, or other opportunities because of your ethnicity?
Have you been subjected to ethnic profiling by authorities in your home country?
Have you participated in any cultural or ethnic organizations?
If yes, have these affiliations caused you to face persecution?
Have you received any direct threats or hate speech due to your ethnicity?
Please provide details.
Do you believe you are at risk of harm if you return to your home country because of your ethnicity?
Have you used social media to express your ethnic identity or discuss issues related to your ethnicity?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you received threats or experienced harassment on social media due to your ethnic background?
Have any of your social media accounts been monitored, restricted, or shut down by authorities because of your ethnicity?
Have you participated in or organized any social media campaigns related to your ethnic group?
If yes, please provide details.
Did you face any issues related to your ethnicity during your childhood or education?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced physical or psychological harm because of your ethnicity?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any ethnic activities or organizations in Australia?
If yes, please provide details.


Have you or your family members been persecuted because of your religious beliefs or practices?
Please provide specific incidents.
Have you faced threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your religion?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that restrict your religious practices?
Have you been denied employment, education, or other opportunities because of your religion?
Have you been forced to renounce or conceal your religious beliefs?
Have you attended or participated in any religious gatherings or organizations?
Have you been subjected to religious profiling by authorities in your home country?
Do you believe you are at risk of harm if you return to your home country because of your religion?
Have you used social media to express your religious beliefs or discuss issues related to your religion?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you received threats or experienced harassment on social media due to your religious beliefs?
Have any of your social media accounts been monitored, restricted, or shut down by authorities because of your religion?
Have you participated in or organized any social media campaigns related to your religious group?
If yes, please provide details.
Did you face any issues related to your religion during your childhood or education?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced physical or psychological harm because of your religion?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any religious activities or organizations in Australia?
If yes, please provide details.

Political Opinion

Are there any political parties or movements in your home country that are persecuted?
If yes, which ones and why?
Have you or your family members been persecuted because of your political beliefs or activities?
If yes, please provide specific incidents.
Have you faced threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your political opinion?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that restrict your political activities or freedom of speech?
Have you been involved in any political protests, campaigns, or organizations?
If yes, have these activities caused you to face persecution?
Have you been detained, arrested, or questioned by authorities because of your political beliefs?
Have you received any direct threats or hate speech due to your political opinion?
Please provide details.
Have you been forced to renounce or conceal your political beliefs?
Do you believe you are at risk of harm if you return to your home country because of your political opinion?
Are you or have you been opposed to the current government of your home country?
Have you participated in any activities or expressed opinions against the current government?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced persecution, threats, or violence specifically because of your opposition to the current government?
Are there any specific government policies or actions that you have protested against or spoken out about?
Have you been targeted by government authorities or supporters due to your opposition to the current government?
Do you have any evidence or documentation of your opposition to the current government and any resulting persecution?
Have you been involved in any demonstrations, rallies, or protests against the current government?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any online or offline activism against the current government?
If yes, please describe your activities.
Have you supported or been a member of any organizations that oppose the current government?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you distributed any materials (e.g., leaflets, social media posts) that criticize the current government?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced legal consequences or intimidation as a result of your activities against the current government?
Have you communicated with any international organizations or media about the current government's actions?
If yes, please provide details.
Have your family members or associates been targeted because of your activities against the current government?
Have you used social media to express your political opinions?
If yes, please provide details of the platforms used and the nature of your posts.
Have you received threats or experienced harassment on social media due to your political views?
Have any of your social media accounts been monitored, restricted, or shut down by authorities?
Have you participated in or organized any social media campaigns against the current government?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced any repercussions in your personal or professional life due to your social media activities?
Have you documented any online harassment or threats received on social media?
If yes, please provide details.
Do you believe that your social media activities have increased your risk of persecution or harm?
Did you face any issues related to your political opinion during your childhood or education?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced physical or psychological harm because of your political opinion?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any political activities or organizations in Australia?
If yes, please provide details.

Membership in a Particular Social Group (PSG)

What social groups do you identify with?
Are there any social groups in your home country that face discrimination or persecution?
If yes, which groups and why?
Have you or your family members been persecuted because of your membership in a particular social group?
If yes, please provide specific incidents.
Have you faced threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your membership in a particular social group?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that specifically target or disadvantage your social group?
Have you been denied employment, education, or other opportunities because of your membership in a particular social group?
Have you participated in any organizations or activities related to your social group?
If yes, have these affiliations caused you to face persecution?
Have you been subjected to profiling or discrimination by authorities because of your social group?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you received any direct threats or hate speech due to your membership in a particular social group?
Please provide details.
Do you believe you are at risk of harm if you return to your home country because of your membership in a particular social group?
Are you a conscientious objector?
If yes, have you faced persecution because of your refusal to perform military service?
Is military service compulsory in your country?
If yes, did you complete your military service? If no, please explain.
Are you a draft evader?
If yes, have you faced legal or social repercussions because of your refusal to be conscripted?
Are there any support groups or networks for conscientious objectors or draft evaders in your home country?
Have you faced any legal proceedings or penalties for refusing military service?
Are there alternative service options available for conscientious objectors in your home country?
If yes, were you able to access them?
Have you experienced threats or violence from military authorities or other groups because of your status as a conscientious objector or draft evader?
Do you have any documentation or evidence supporting your claims of persecution as a conscientious objector or draft evader?
Do you believe you are at risk of harm if you return to your home country because of your status as a conscientious objector or draft evader?
Have you used social media to discuss issues related to your social group?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you received threats or experienced harassment on social media due to your membership in a particular social group?
Have any of your social media accounts been monitored, restricted, or shut down by authorities because of your social group?
Have you participated in or organized any social media campaigns related to your social group?
If yes, please provide details.
Are you or have you been a member of any political party?
If yes, have you faced persecution because of your political party membership?
Have you been involved in any ethnic or religious movements?
If yes, have you faced persecution due to your involvement in these movements?
Have you participated in activities or events organized by ethnic or religious movements?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your membership in a political party, ethnic, or religious movement?
Are there any specific laws or policies in your home country that target members of your political party, ethnic, or religious movement?
Do you have any evidence or documentation of your membership in a political party, ethnic, or religious movement, and any resulting persecution?
Did you face any issues related to your membership in a particular social group during your childhood or education?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any activities or organizations related to your social group in Australia?
If yes, please provide details.
Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community?
If yes, have you faced persecution because of your sexual orientation or gender identity?
Have you been involved in any LGBTQ+ organizations or activities?
If yes, have these affiliations caused you to face persecution?
Have you faced threats or violence from individuals or groups because of your LGBTQ+ identity?
Are there any laws or policies in your home country that specifically target or disadvantage the LGBTQ+ community?
Have you received any direct threats or hate speech due to your LGBTQ+ identity?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you used social media to express your LGBTQ+ identity or discuss issues related to the LGBTQ+ community?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you received threats or experienced harassment on social media due to your LGBTQ+ identity?
Have any of your social media accounts been monitored, restricted, or shut down by authorities because of your LGBTQ+ identity?
Have you participated in or organized any social media campaigns related to the LGBTQ+ community?
If yes, please provide details.
Did you face any issues related to your LGBTQ+ identity during your childhood or education?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you faced physical or psychological harm because of your membership in a particular social group?
If yes, please provide details.
Have you engaged in any LGBTQ+ activities or organizations in Australia?
If yes, please provide details.

Statement of Claims

Have you received any threats or had any confrontations with authorities or other groups since arriving in Australia?
Have you been involved in any activism or public statements that might have increased your risk of persecution?
Do you have any supporting documents, such as police reports, medical records, or witness statements, to corroborate your claims?
Have you received any support from local or international organizations before arriving in Australia?
Have you ever been in hiding or moved frequently to avoid persecution?
Have you received any indirect threats or messages indicating you would be harmed if you return?

Onshore Protection (Visa 866)

The Onshore Protection Visa (Subclass 866) is designed for individuals seeking asylum in Australia due to fear of persecution in their home country. Our comprehensive AI-driven assessment form will guide you through the eligibility criteria, required evidence, and application process. The system provides detailed, personalized feedback to help you prepare a thorough and compelling case for protection.

Student Visa Eligibility Assessment

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Personal Information

Full Name
4. Do you have a current passport? (If yes, provide passport number)
8. Do you have any dependents? (If yes, provide details)
Have you ever used any other names?

Education Background

14. Do you have any English language proficiency certifications? (If yes, provide details)
15. Have you been accepted into a course of study in Australia? (If yes, provide the institution and course details)

Financial Capacity

16. Do you have evidence of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Australia? (Provide details)
18. Do you have any financial dependents?

Immigration History

19. Have you ever been refused a visa to any country?
20. Have you ever had a visa canceled? (If yes, provide details)
21. Have you previously applied for a visa to Australia? (If yes, provide details)
22. Have you ever overstayed a visa or been deported from any country?

Purpose of Visit

Ties to Home Country

29. Do you have any military service commitments in your home country?
30. Are there any political or civil unrest conditions in your home country that might affect your stay in Australia?

Health and Character

31. Do you have health insurance for your stay in Australia?
32. Have you undergone a health examination as part of your visa application process?
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime in any country? (If yes, provide details)
34. Are you currently facing any legal proceedings?

Study Plan

36. Have you been previously enrolled in a similar course in another country? (If yes, provide details)
37. Do you have a clear understanding of the course requirements and structure?

Family and Dependents

39. Will any family members be accompanying you to Australia? (If yes, provide details)
40. Do your accompanying family members have health insurance?
41. Do you have adequate arrangements for the education of any school-age dependents?

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements

42. Do you intend to return to your home country after completing your studies?
44. Do you understand the conditions of your visa and the requirement to comply with them?

Additional Information

45. Do you have any additional documents supporting your application? (Provide details)
46. Have you provided all the required documents as per the Subclass 500 visa Document Checklist Tool?
47. Are there any gaps in your study or employment history? (If yes, provide explanations)
48. Do you have any relatives in Australia? (If yes, provide details)
49. Have you completed any previous courses of study in Australia? (If yes, provide details)
50. Do you have any work experience related to the course you intend to study?

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482) allows Australian employers to address labour shortages by hiring skilled workers from overseas when they cannot find a suitable candidate locally. This visa enables skilled workers to work in Australia for an approved business for up to four years, depending on the nominated occupation and the worker’s circumstances. It helps employers access the necessary skills and expertise to meet their business needs, supporting Australia’s economic growth and development.

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

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Do you have a current passport?
(If yes, provide passport number)
Do you have any dependents?
(If yes, provide details)
Marital Status
Have you ever used any other names?
(If yes, provide details)

Current Visa Status:

Are you currently holding a valid visa in Australia?
(If yes, specify the visa subclass)

Previous Visa Applications:

Have you previously applied for a skilled visa in Australia?
(If yes, specify the visa subclass)

Employment Information:

Is the position located in regional Australia?
Is your employer a party to an industrial agreement?
Does your role involve managerial responsibilities?
Have you received a job offer letter from your employer?
(If yes, upload the job offer letter)

Job Details:

Does the position involve any clerical, bookkeeping, or accounting clerk tasks?
Is the position related to mass production in a factory setting?
Is the position in a limited service restaurant?
Are you involved in preparing, seasoning, and cooking food?
Do you have responsibilities for managing the provision of a specific service to a facility?
Does your role require you to supervise other employees?
Have you received any awards or recognitions in your professional field?
(If yes, provide details and upload supporting documents)

Qualifications and Experience:

Have you received any professional training relevant to the nominated occupation?
(If yes, provide details and upload certificates)
Are you a member of any professional associations or bodies?
(If yes, provide details and upload proof of membership)

Nomination and Sponsorship:

Has your employer nominated you for the TSS visa?
Does your employer hold a valid standard business sponsorship?
Has your employer's nomination been approved?
Has your employer provided a written statement supporting your nomination?
(If yes, upload the statement)
Is your employer registered for GST (Goods and Services Tax) in Australia?

Mandatory Skills Assessments:

Have you commenced or completed a skills assessment?
(If yes, provide the reference number for your skills assessment)

Health and Character:

Do you have any health conditions that might affect your visa application?
Have you been convicted of any criminal offenses?
Have you undergone a health examination for your visa application?
(If yes, upload the health examination report)
Have you provided police clearance certificates from countries you have lived in for 12 months or more in the past 10 years?
(If yes, upload the police clearance certificates)

Public Interest Criteria:

Do you have any outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia?
Have you submitted a values statement as part of your application?
Do you have any ongoing legal proceedings or unresolved legal matters in any country?
Have you ever been refused a visa to any country, including Australia?
(If yes, provide details)

Genuineness and Intentions:

Do you intend to work genuinely in the nominated position?
Is your position associated with an intra-corporate transfer?
Have you held more than two TSS visas in the short-term stream in the last five years?
Have you previously held a TSS visa?
(If yes, provide details of the visa and periods of stay in Australia)
Are you planning to apply for permanent residency in Australia in the future?

Bridging Visas and Compliance:

Are you in Australia on a substantive visa, Bridging Visa A, B, or C?
Have you complied with the conditions of your previous visas?

English Language Proficiency:

Have you taken an English language proficiency test?
(If yes, provide details and scores)
Are you exempt from the English language proficiency requirement?
(If yes, provide details of your exemption)

Family Members:

Are you including family members in your TSS visa application?
Are your family members in Australia?
Have your family members complied with their visa conditions?

Special Circumstances:

Are there any adverse information related to you or your employer?
Do you have a Health Workforce Certificate or Exemption Certificate (if applicable)?
Are there any other circumstances that you believe should be considered in your visa application?
(If yes, provide details)

Visa Conditions:

Do you understand that you must maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia?
Do you understand that you can only work in your approved occupation and for your approved sponsor?

Supporting Documents:

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.