Beyond Tourist and Visitor: Bircan Migration Navigates Your Australian “Other Visas” Journey

Australia offers a diverse range of visas beyond the well-known tourist and visitor options. This is where Bircan Migration steps in! We specialise in guiding you through the application process for the Visas, ensuring you find the perfect pathway to achieve your goals in Australia. Whether it’s reuniting with family, pursuing work opportunities, or embarking on a study adventure, Bircan Migration’s expertise will help you unlock the possibilities.

Navigating the Maze of Australian Visas: Bircan Migration Can Help

Feeling lost in the labyrinth of Australian visas? You’re not alone. Australian visas come in all shapes and sizes, from tourist visas to work visas and everything in between. The process can be daunting for anyone unfamiliar with Australian immigration.

That’s where Bircan Migration steps in! Our visa specialists are here to guide you through every step of the Australian visa application process. We’ll help you identify the right visa for your needs, whether you’re planning a holiday Down Under, seeking work opportunities, or reuniting with family.

Bircan Migration’s team has extensive experience handling all types of Australian visas. We’ll take the hassle out of navigating complex immigration paperwork and ensure your application is in the best possible shape.

Don’t let visa worries stall your Australian dreams. Contact Bircan Migration today and let’s get your visa journey started!

Explore Our Services for Other Visa Categories

Resident Return Visa (Subclass 155 & 157): These visas are for current or former Australian permanent residents, or former Australian citizens to re-enter Australia as permanent residents. The Subclass 155 visa is typically valid for up to five years, ideal for residents who have maintained substantial ties to Australia. The Subclass 157 visa is granted for three months, suitable for those who have not maintained substantial ties but have compelling reasons for departure.
Medical Treatment Visa (Subclass 602): This visa allows people to travel to or stay longer in Australia for medical treatment or consultations. It also covers support for someone needing medical treatment and under certain circumstances, can also be granted to people accompanying organ donors or coming to Australia for an organ transplant.

How We Can Help

Personalized Visa Assistance: Understanding that each visa category has its unique requirements, we tailor our services to meet your specific circumstances.
Documentation and Application: Our team guides you through the entire application process, ensuring all documentation is complete and correctly submitted.
Continuous Support: We offer continuous support during your visa processing, including status updates and assistance for your stay in Australia.

For detailed information and assistance with your visa needs, whether it’s returning as a resident, entering for medical treatment, or utilizing the benefits available to New Zealand citizens, contact Bircan Migration & Education. Let us help you navigate the complexities of these unique visa pathways.

More Services


Student Visa Subclass 500


Visitor Visa Subclass 600

Kickstart Your Aussie Journey: A Free Visa Consultation with Bircan Migration

Embark on your next journey with confidence as we help you navigate the complexities of securing your appropriate visa.

Australian Other Visas FAQs by Bircan Migration

Absolutely! Bircan Migration has extensive experience with a wide range of Australian visas beyond the most common ones. Whether it’s a working holiday visa, a temporary work skilled visa, or something else entirely, we can guide you through the process.

Australian visa options can be complex. Bircan Migration’s specialists assess your skills, qualifications, and goals to recommend the best visa pathway for you.

The difficulty of obtaining a visa depends on the specific subclass you’re applying for. Some may have straightforward requirements, while others might involve a more complex process.

Bircan Migration’s visa specialists are experts in Australian immigration. We’ll assess your situation, identify the most suitable visa option for your needs, and guide you through every step of the application process.
